De.Fi World 2024: The Ultimate Web3 Innovation Summit in Bangkok

De.Fi World 2024, the premier DeFi event of the year, will take place on November 11 in Bangkok, Thailand.

This one-day conference will gather over 1,000 attendees from more than 30 countries, including major DeFi players such as Anton Bukov (1inch) and Ken Timsit (Cronos Labs). The event will feature multiple speaker stages, an exhibitor space showcasing over 200 Web3 projects, and workshops focused on decentralized finance innovations.

Attendees can expect high-level networking, panel discussions on topics like ReStaking and Real World Assets, and exclusive VIP experiences for $DEFI stakers. Don’t miss the chance to be part of this landmark event—visit the De.Fi website to secure your spot and stay updated.

Clever Robot News Desk 4th September 2024

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